
Thursday 9 October 2014

Task 10 Evaluating Students Work

Luke's Final Construction:

WWW (What Went Well) :

Good music choice and shots really set the scene well, costumes were used effectively to portray each character giving a brief idea of their class, their importance and their role in the piece. Editing was up to a good standard and helped create the ambiance that was desired.

EBI (Even Better If) :

Although the music chosen was very well picked out the pace of the piece changes but the music doesn't go with it. When their is a murder happening the same music was playing as two guys walking down the street. Some vocals were done post production which was really good but the audio balancing meant at time the music was much louder than the narration so you couldn't hear properly what the narration was talking about.

Louise's Final Construction:

WWW (What Went Well) :

Opening shots created an amazing scene, good lighting, varied shot types and good locations made this piece seems really good. Costume was well picked out and with the other aspects of this piece built up a really good mystery setting.

EBI (Even Better If) :

As mentioned in the table, mise en scene involved a modern phone in a scene that had been built up to be quite dated. From the initial shots of an old clock and all wooden surfaces, the big house and other sets featured

Joel's Final Construction:

WWW (What Went Well) :

Some really good camera shots made this piece really come together, audio quality is also pretty good, low background noise achieving probably one of the best audio qualities out of the student final constructions. Creative use of titles and captions to bring out the feeling the director desired.

EBI (Even Better If) :

Clips didn't drag out for so long giving more variety in shot types and camera shots, low level lighting produces graining and this should be avoided in future.

James' Final Construction:

WWW (What Went Well) :

Some amazing camera shots to make this film really stand out, the opening titles use creative environments and really utilise shot types to deliver each title or caption in an interesting way. The dialogue was well scripted and the lighting was the best out of all the students work I have looked at.

EBI (Even Better If) :

There is a fight scene that was evidently filmed on a rainy day, this usually wouldn't be a problem bu the scene is set in a public car park that leads to outside resulting in horrific background noise, that, crossed with the fact the scene last just way too long makes it almost unbearable to watch and brings such a promising piece down.

What I Have Learnt

From this task I have learnt that lighting and sound are of pinnacle importance as if they are of low quality it can bring down your whole construction. Also the use of creative titles can instantly engross a person into your piece and that music, if suitable, completes a scene. Finally I should be careful as to how my final product comes across, if there is one scene that ruins it, no matter how dear it is to my heart I should either re-shoot it to get rid of the problem or not include it at all as it can completely destroy an opening scene.

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