
Tuesday 7 October 2014

Narrative Structure Theory Task - Claude Levi-Strauss' Binary Oppositions + What I have Learnt

Binary Oppositions

Bi(meaning two) and Oppositions(a little more self explanatory), Claude Levi-Strauss' theory states that in terms of a film's theme there are massive similarities in the dilemmas and how they derive from a fundamental opposition of ideas or motives.

Your basic examples of your binary-opposites are;

Good vs Evil,
Black vs White,
Boy vs Girl,
Peace vs War,
Civilised vs Savage,
Democracy vs Dictatorship,
First world vs Third world,
Domestic vs foreign/alien,
Articulate vs inarticulate ,
Young vs Old,
Man vs Nature,
Protagonist vs antagonist,
Action vs inaction,
Motivator vs observer,
Empowered vs victim ,
Man vs Woman,
Good looking vs Ugly,
Strong vs weak,
Decisive vs indecisive,
East vs West,
Humanity vs technology,
Ignorance vs wisdom

Claude Levi-Strauss basically stated that these binary conflicts are the basis for most of the conflict in films and the central climax of a films narrative revolves around these binary oppositions.

In gangster films particularly we tend to see;

The, Good vs Evil,
the, Power vs Weak,
the Crime vs Justice oppositions.

What I Have Learnt

From this task I have gained insight into three awesome theories about film, but what I have learnt that is more valuable to my final piece is how to use these theories to deliver certain messages, invoke certain feelings or contradict the theories to give the opposite effect. I feel I will take inspiration from all these theories but mostly use them to help plan out and create a story for my final construction to be based on.

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