
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Target Audience and the BBFC

What is the BBFC?

Taken from their website:"All classification decisions are based on the BBFC’s published and regularly updated Guidelines. The Guidelines are the product of extensive public consultation, research and the accumulated experience of the BBFC over many years. They reflect current views on film, DVD and video game regulation."

Here is a link to their website for their rating process:

In terms of gangster films most ratings are around the 18 to 15 age rating permitting a decent amount of violence, sex and drug use however modern films and the film industry aim to get their certifications much lower hitting the golden 12A certification to reach a mass audience and turn over more money. However in terms of my own piece I'll be aiming for the higher certification as going for a more niche audience means you can better focus on certain aspects and draw in more of one audience rather than a few of every audience.

My Target Audience

Voki of my target audience:

"Hey, I'm John Smith. I am 21 years old. I love film, especially organised crime and gangster. I am a big fan of British gangster film, but I like films with more professional criminals, less rough and tumble, more organised and refined. Everyone loves a bit of action and violence, me included. Though, if the action isn't accompanied by a good story and rich characters. I tend to not like the movie at all. I like original ideas and methods. Something, niche. Something, hip. Finally, for the opening of a film, action is good, but very abstract and original openings grab my attention."

Gathering more data

Although this voki is a "pretty good" representation of my target audience I will also send out a survey asking people what they want from a film opening what specifically they like about certain films and how they feel about certain ideas.


Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

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