
Tuesday 9 December 2014


Just for fun but also for inspiration I created a film poster of our film.

Saturday 6 December 2014


Restitution is the exciting story of a not so distant, not so impossible, dystopian future. The greed and selfishness of the rich and powerful ran the world its economy and its people into the ground. Massive uproar broke out overthrowing officials and authorities and sending them into hiding. Now only those who are willing to kill and assault to get what they want own the streets and all decent examples of humanity are suppressed. However, there is hope an organisation, a gang of vigilante’s lead by their leader, known as ‘V’, plan to restore the world back to the way it was with a few minor improvements, their primary objective to be the world’s Restitution.

In the pitch we will go into detail about:

The films narrative,

Characters - who they are and what they plan to do,

 The plots vision - where it would go,

And our choice of costume and props to portray different themes and feelings.

We will also discuss key editing techniques to be used including our use of colour correction that will be used all the way through the film to make every shot darker and more sinister to never lose the vibe of the dystopian future.

Finally we will discuss exactly what we want to achieve and what we might do if we had a bigger budget.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Shot List

RESTITUTION (Working Title)

Shot List

[Establishing shot]Shot of scenic bridge in local park.

[Slight panning shot]Kids running around having fun.

[Close up] Trickling water down stream.

[Extreme (Re-)Establishing shot] Massive clearing from afar.

[(Re-)Establishing shot] Man kneeling on plastic, opposing man                                standing and facing him.

[Extreme close up, High Angle] John’s face focal point between eyes.

[Extreme close up, High Angle] John’s hand bound by zip-ties.

[Extreme close up, High Angle] John’s mouth covered by duct-tape.

[Fast pan POV, Low Angle] Clearing from John’s perspective.

[Mid-shot] ‘V’s torso and above, looking upward from ground.

[Extreme close up, from side] ‘V’s lips as he speaks John’s name.

[Extreme close up, from side] ‘V’ swallowing deeply.

[OtS, Low Angle] John looking at ‘V’ as he draws a book.

[Extreme close up, High Angle] John’s eyes.

[POV, Low Angle] John’s perspective ‘V’s lower region, as ‘V’ kneels to his           eye level.

[Two-shot, from side] John and ‘V’ stand (and kneel) off.

[Close up, High Angle] ‘V’ turning pages of the book.

[Extreme close up, High Angle]John’s name in book in 'V's hand.

[Close up, match on action] ‘V’ looking up to eye-level with John.

[Close up] ‘V’ ripping duct-tape off John.

[Close up, from side] John spitting at ‘V’

[Mid shot, low angle] ‘V’ wiping spit off face swinging at John.

[Mid shot, match on action] John getting hit across face.

[Close up, High angle] Blood hitting plastic.

[Mid shot] ‘V’ Monologue of allegations.

[Mid-Close up shot] John responding.

[Mid-shot] ‘V’ standing up turning to other gang member drawing gun.

[Mid-shot from other side] Turning to member, holding gun up.

[Long shot] Other member shaking head.

[Close up] ‘V’ shrugging and turning to John to create an [OtS shot]

[Mid-shot] John shouting at ‘V’

[Mid-shot] ‘V’ Responding and turning around.

[Extreme wide shot] ‘V’ turning quickly and shooting John who falls                     forward.

[OtS to Close up] ‘V’ commanding other member to clear up the mess.


Film-Edit Schedule

Filming to start on the 8th of December.

After filming is complete, any re-shoots are done and we are happy with the film we have, all editing is planned to be done in a week. Keeping to this tight schedule will mean if anything does go wrong we have breathing room to make a few more edits before it's release. This week of editing is due to start on the 15th of December. Some changes may apply closer to the time as re-shoots may take longer than expected or from some unforeseen circumstances.

Titles Plan

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Music Plan

I wish I could say more for our music plan however I think the exclusion of music from our scene will be half of what makes it. I decided to exclude music from the beginning of the scene as it will emphasize the sense of isolation especially since the typically louder shots will be of running water will come just before, with the allowance of dialogue and sound effects. Some music will be added along with some sound effects - to exaggerate actions e.g. cocking gun will have a effect post filming, as will things like the clearing of a characters throat, ripping of duct-tape all diegetic sounds and the raw sound from the scene at time of filming.
One piece of music I definitely wish to be used is a piece is a very eerie composition that I see as suitable for the monologue expressing how the world got turned up-side-down and perfect especially if it's a voice over. 
Name of track: "Right Behind You" It was produced by Kevin Mac Leod who makes royalty music and is licensed under creative commons as long as he is given credit this will be added at the end for legal purposes.
"Right Behind You" Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


RESTITUITION (Working Title)

‘V’ [Main Character][Voice Over]: The world is obsessed with power, only problem is to have power you need money, and to have money you need assets. A popular asset among the rich is oil, but eventually the oil wells ran dry.
                                                In 2027 the world’s last oil well did exactly that. Panic followed and Anarchy broke out among the people, protesting against their leaders, the rich who had told them it was going to be okay whilst they hoarded their money in off-shore accounts and gave nothing back.
                                                Now the world is left behind without, trust, without humanity and without justice.
                         [In park leading up to execution]
               Johnathan Crouch, I’ve heard a lot about you. Not all good, I have to say, got down ‘here’ you like to fiddle with innocent little kids.
                               ***Crouch grins***
               I have here 3 accounts of rape, murder, 7 accounts of sexual assault, 2 accounts of sexual harassment and 5 accounts of paedophilia. Yet here we are, catching you strolling round the park scouting out your next victim. 15 years ago you’d be locked away for life; in some countries you’d get the death sentence. Ever since the rich (all the lawyers and judges) ran away into hiding, however, predators like you have been able to take advantage.
               ***Rips duct tape off Crouch, Crouch spits in ‘V’s face***

Crouch [Antagonist]: PISS OFF!
***‘V’ responds by hitting Crouch with hilt of gun***

‘V’ [Main Character]: No, no, no, see me and the rest of my gang. We’re not like the kind hearted people of the world. If anything we’re more like you.

Crouch [Antagonist]: Shut up, you can’t do anything to me, you know who my father is? He is so stinking rich, he could buy out one of your own men to stab you in the back. You lay a finger on me and you’re a dead man.

‘V’ [Main Character]: Oh shut up! Right let’s get on with it.
                        ***Looks to other gang member***
               You sure you don’t want to take this one?
               ***Member shakes head***
               Alright then more fun for me…
               ***Cocks gun and aims it at Crouch's head, clears throat***
               Johnathan Crouch, you are being charged with multiple accounts of; sexual harassment, assault, murder, rape and pedophilia. Failure by the current justice system in place has resulted in our involvement in this case. We have deemed your actions crimes against humanity and therefore you have been assigned a suitable punishment.
               Johnathan Crouch, do you have any last words?

Crouch [Antagonist]: Please no I’m an innocent man like you *humorously*.

‘V’ [Main Character]:      I’m no innocent man.

                            ***Shoots Crouch***

Camera Movement of Locations

Unfortunately working under constraints for this task and the seemingly inflexible nature of our actors schedule while also working in a two man group we were unable to take shots of where actors may be in the film, like in video-boarding (a video storyboard). I was however able to get a few shots of the main location showing off it's surrounding and places where we can achieve other shots planned in our storyboard.

Props List

List of the Props needed:

Gun, Subject to how covert location is. Will trade gun for closed fist in final piece if seems necessary. 

Plastic sheet with stones/weights

A rock for kids to throw

Bowl of water

Zip Ties

Duct Tape

Propaganda posters

Photos Of Location

Our first location is a local park, with lots of space and multiple big empty fields, suitable for our piece. It is important to keep in mind mise en scene when picking the exact location and the angles we can film from as we want to try not to include houses or dog bins in the background that might take away from the piece. Luckily the fields we intend to use aren't very popular especially in the time of year we are filming. This means we don't need to worry about civilians walking past as much as we might have to in a more popular location or in the middle of a more popular season i.e spring or summer.

Our second location, is a little more perfect for the effect we want and the needs of our location, the only problem is the passing traffic will make recording audio on scene fairly difficult and we are yet to hear back from the land owner as to whether we can film for the week, though it does look promising given the land hasn't been used in years. We must take more caution on this location as to not hurt ourselves as the land is a little more 'tricky'.